For a company, organizing a seminar is a great way to bring staff together off-site to exchange ideas, unite teams and motivate them. It can also be a way of facilitating the integration of new recruits. Whether it lasts one or several days, it aims to develop an entrepreneurial spirit by alternating work meetings with moments of relaxation. Various activities can be planned, including an escape game. In recent years, this life-size escape game has become a must-have for seminar organizers! Its duration is perfect (1 hour of play), as it can easily be integrated into a day’s work. Similarly, anyone can take part, as no specific skills or experience are required. It’s a fun, easy-to-organize activity that also strengthens cohesion and communication, and acts as a motivating factor. That’s why HintHunt Paris offers you a range of packages to help you organize this professional event. Based on the number of participants and your objectives, we can offer you a tailor-made service. And since we’ve developed 7 puzzles and have several rooms, we can accommodate groups from 3 to 60 people. We are also used to working with companies and professionals. For every project we take on, we do our utmost to meet your expectations.


Whatever the objectives of the seminar you want to organize, it will at some point involve meetings and exchanges with your colleagues. Outside the traditional professional context, it’s often easier to discuss things, make your opinion known, offer criticism and suggest areas for improvement. The setting is different, and participants feel more at ease. But after many hours of work, it’s important to relax, take your mind off things and have a good time together. And an escape game is just the thing! What’s more, it’s so easy to organize, all you have to do is reserve one or more slots. You don’t need to prepare anything – everything is already ready in our rooms! With this activity, you can offer your colleagues an entertaining moment during which their team spirit, thinking skills and logic will be called upon to solve the riddles. And after the gaming session, you can organize a cocktail party or snack for them. This is one of the services we offer companies. What’s more, by choosing this activity, you limit the risk of disappointment, as it appeals to the widest possible audience and is suitable for all generations. To date, 7 plots are available in our Parisian theaters, with very diverse universes. So there really is something for everyone!


Organizing an escape game during a seminar helps to develop and strengthen cooperation and communication between your employees. For this type of event, our company has devised several formulas. For example, you can simply book a play session with a debriefing at the end, and take photos for a souvenir. Or you can opt for a more complete package, with cocktails in our reception area following the escape game. If you wish, we can also organize a special event to surprise your teams.

We take into account your objectives, your budget and your requirements to present you with an adapted package. So if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more. That way, we can discuss your project with you and help you organize an exceptional seminar for your company!