In recent years, escape games have become a must, and can now be found in every corner of France. Nevertheless, a number of questions are frequently asked when requesting information or making reservations. One of them is playtime. And the answer to this question is simple, since it’s the same for all 7 scenarios: 1 hour maximum. That’s what an escape game is all about: participants are locked in a room and given 60 minutes, no more, to escape. These are precious minutes, which you mustn’t waste, as they allow you to search, find clues and make progress in solving the enigma. That’s why it’s important to be logical, to communicate well with your team and to pay attention to every detail, every object, so as not to waste time. And while an hour may seem long enough before the start of the game, you’ll soon realize that it goes by very, very quickly. So you have to play from the very first seconds in the room to take full advantage of the time available. What’s more, you can get out before the 60 minutes are up if you solve the riddle! Would you like to give it a try? All you have to do is reserve a slot for one of our 7 storylines!


As you may have guessed, 60 minutes is the maximum length of an escape game. If this time can be reduced, it cannot be increased. At the end of the hour, if you haven’t solved the riddle, you can’t continue. In fact, a challenge might be a good idea. Start an unfinished escape game again to see if you can do better on the second try!

During the game, you have to do everything you can to gather clues. You can rummage around the room, manipulate objects and mechanisms, and think. You have to take it one step at a time. And to do that, you need to communicate with other players. It’s a real team effort!

And while the game itself lasts 60 minutes, you also need to allow time beforehand for explanations and afterwards for debriefing. So don’t arrive 2 minutes before your session! It often takes 15 min for the introduction and 10-15 min for the debriefing. All in all, a session lasts around 1h30.


Explanations and debriefings take place outside the room. These 25-30 minutes are not included in the game. But you need to take this into account for your organization. And if the duration of an escape game has been set at 1 hour, it’s not by chance. In fact, this time is perfect for helping you immerse yourself quickly in the story, finding clues – especially as your Game Master can help you move forward when you’re stuck – and solving a plot. A stopwatch has also been installed in each room to keep track of time. There’s no point in looking at it every 2 minutes, you’ll lose your concentration. However, you should remember to check regularly to see how many minutes have elapsed.

And with a maximum duration of one hour, you won’t get bored! The pace is fast, and the adrenaline often surges as the final minutes tick by, or as you near the end of the puzzle.

Would you like to take part? Don’t wait any longer to discover our 7 scenarios! On our website, you can also reserve a slot in just a few clicks.